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When Moon in your horoscope is posited in 1, 4, 7, 8 or 12th house from your ascendant or Moon it forms Mangalik Dosha. Mangal is a destructive planet so wherever it is placed it destroys that area of life. But it becomes more destructive and aggressive when it influences marriage or love area of life. The scriptures say, this Mangalik Dosha is form first to obstruct your marriage and then to destroy your marriage. The verse literally means that when you have Mangal Dosha you "kill" or at least "Destroy" your partner. It also keeps your love and marriage disturbing after marriage. Some astrologers find the way of exceptions to console you which is not right. Because Good planetary Yogas don't wash away negative doshas in astrology. In fact both happen, good and bad planets give their results in their turn and we consume at the given time. No applicable yoga or dosha gets cancelled. Hence also a Mangaldosha can't be cancelled. For this reason a remedy becomes necessary. The outcome of this dosha can be much reduced by doing and repeating this anushthans years in advance. When you are about to get married or lokking for a partner and obstacles keep coming, the reason will be your weak planets, mangal doshas or Vivah Pratibandhak Dosha (marriage-blocking-dosha). After you have accertained that you are mangalik get this Anushthan done to reduce the result and prevention of obstacles. Getting a same mangalik partner is also not a remedy but it is just a match. It means both of you need this Anushthan individually (in case of small, medium or large category) of together (in case of Extra large category).
Small: 3 Pandits x 3 Days
This Anushthan is done to reduce future results of mangalik dosha. This works for 1 person.
Medium: 5 Pandits x 5 Days
This Anushthan is done for reducing the influences of Mangalik dosha for 1 person
Large: 7 Pandits x 7 Days
This Anushthan is done to reduce the influences of mangalik dosha and obstacles in marriage / love. This works for 1 person.
Extra Large: 9 Pandits x 9 Days
This Anushthan is done to reduce the influences of mangalik dosha and obstacles in marriage / love. This works for both partners.